Search engine optimization is the marketing discipline that focused on increasing the visibility of your website in organic (non-paid) search engine results. According to Google search statistics there are over 1.2 trillion global searches being conducted each month.
SEO concentrate on all the technical and creative elements that are required to improve ranking, attract traffic and increase awareness in search engines. SEO is associated with the content available on your page and the way other pages link to you on the web.
In simple words, SEO determines whether your site is structured in way required by search engine or not. SEO isn’t just about building search engine-friendly websites. It’s about making your site better for people too.
The majority of traffic on your website is driven by major search engines likes Google, Yahoo, Bing. Although social networking sites also create traffic visits to your website, search engines are the basic platform of navigation for most of the internet users.
This is true whether your site provides content, services, products, information, or just about anything else. Search engines are important in a way that they provide targeted visitors to your website, people looking for what you offer.
If search engines cannot find your site, or add your content to their databases, you miss out on incredible opportunities to drive traffic to your site.
The words users’ type into the search box carries exceptional value. Experiences have shown that SEO play an important role in making or breaking an organization’s success.
Targeted traffic to a website can provide publicity, revenue, and exposure like no other channel of marketing. Investing in SEO can have an exceptional rate of return compared to other types of marketing and promotion.
In addition to making content available to search engines, SEO also helps boost rankings so that content will be placed where searchers will more readily find it. The Internet is becoming increasingly competitive, and those companies who perform SEO will have a decided advantage in visitors and customers.
If your website cannot be found by search engines or your content cannot be put into their databases, you miss out on the incredible opportunities available to websites provided via search. Web Response has put together several highly effective SEO solutions which combine inbound marketing techniques to build trust, rank, authority, and leads with optimization techniques to get higher rankings.
Our services are available for our customer’s at their door steps.